'Conservatives' have spent almost a century 'arguing' with non-Whites and jews about their behavior to no avail. In fact, one could cynically conclude the whole point of 'conservatism' was to provide a fig-leaf of 'democratic debate' over the raw power of jews (who always get their way in the end).
'Conservatism' is a dead-end for Whites.
Only White Nationalism offers any hope of forming a power-bloc sufficient to carve out space for our people.
Show me a pro-White alternative to the kind of White revolutionary racial racial consciousness associated with White Nationalism and it will be 'White Nationalism' by some other name.
As for the comment about women, I see White Nationalism as the predicate to a healthy relationship between White men and White women, not the other way around
I disagree. The ideas of 'goodness', etc don't need to be abandoned. They need to be *tribalized*. As for focusing on 'cuckoldry', I don't want men coming into the movement thinking it's a vehicle for addressing their issues with women.
Being a White Nationalist isn't about men/women issues. It's about Whites caring about Whites because they are White *and no other reason*.
White Nationalism isn't about women struggling with men or men struggling with women.
It's about Whites struggling with non-Whites and with the politics of anti-Whiteness.
'Conservatives' have spent almost a century 'arguing' with non-Whites and jews about their behavior to no avail. In fact, one could cynically conclude the whole point of 'conservatism' was to provide a fig-leaf of 'democratic debate' over the raw power of jews (who always get their way in the end).
'Conservatism' is a dead-end for Whites.
Only White Nationalism offers any hope of forming a power-bloc sufficient to carve out space for our people.
I 100% agree.
Doesn't matter if "White Nationalism is the only path forward"
You should want to put your race first and not have to deal with brown people period.
Also nothing is going to happen in the Anglosphere
Anglo men cant even control their women
Show me a pro-White alternative to the kind of White revolutionary racial racial consciousness associated with White Nationalism and it will be 'White Nationalism' by some other name.
As for the comment about women, I see White Nationalism as the predicate to a healthy relationship between White men and White women, not the other way around
Until White men stop acting like cuckolds, both in regards to women and in regards to race, nothing is ever going to change.
Until White men abandon the ideology, the very idea of "goodness," of "fairness" or "equality" our race is doomed.
True freedom is only to be found in a rejection of non-violence, a rejection of all and any codes that prevent one from following their Ego.
To be saved, our race must reawaken its collective ego, then our men will demand quality out of women and destruction onto our foes.
"Of course you discriminate. You discriminate between who's your enemy and who's your friend." - Bowden
They can, they must, they will go back.
Well argued points. Whites MUST put our foot down and cower no more in the face of these cosmopolitan parasites.
I disagree. The ideas of 'goodness', etc don't need to be abandoned. They need to be *tribalized*. As for focusing on 'cuckoldry', I don't want men coming into the movement thinking it's a vehicle for addressing their issues with women.
Being a White Nationalist isn't about men/women issues. It's about Whites caring about Whites because they are White *and no other reason*.
White Nationalism isn't about women struggling with men or men struggling with women.
It's about Whites struggling with non-Whites and with the politics of anti-Whiteness.
Just a thought former president Obama is half white I suggest it is the white part of him that
made him succeed, but that is not a good policy to be black and pretend to be discriminated
is a better option