Trump is not pro-White. But he is pro-non-White especially pro-jew. This is the problem of pinning one's hopes, dreams and desires on Trump. 'Conservatives' find a pro-darkie, pro-jew Trump 'practical', as if it were impractical to be pro-White. But whose fault is it that politicians take the White vote for granted? Conservatives and the non-racial Right. Trump is going to do harm to White people. It's inevitable because he only cares about groups that can hurt or help him and 'White leadership' would rather make excuses for him than organize Whites to be an electoral threat to both parties. The GOP has not changed. The money in that organization is still 100% anti-White and anti-worker. I predict 'anti-semitic hate' laws will be among the first laws passed. Followed by dismantling Social Security. Because why should Trump be loyal to the people who vote for him no matter what.

There's a serious lack of strategic thinking in the Racial Right. Both your enemies and your allies have to fear you.

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You may turn out to be right on some of this, though I hope not. My argument is that the alternative was far worse than many on the right realise. I still maintain that this was the vastly better outcome and I think only the most radical accelerationists would argue otherwise. Anti-semitism hate speech laws would indeed be a very bad sign. My hope is he was just throwing meat to the tribe to secure office. I personally believe Musk hates them. They've done everything they can to take him out and ruin all of his businesses including X.

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The jews are a criminal gang. You do not say you're going to do something and then not do it. They'll punish you. Or kill you. Musk went to the Kvetching Wall to appease them and they still fucked him over. He may not hate the jews, but he now knows that there's no appeasing them. Still, Trump is the first Jewish President and I don't think Musk is going to overrule him.

Pro-Whites really had only one choice in this election: Don't vote.

Now Trump has the White Vote without promising anything he isn't promising everyone else and he - and the GOP - don't have to care what helps or hurts White people because (again) we've proven that we'll lap up anything the GOP pukes out.

It looks like the GOP is going to control both houses of Congress and the Oval Office. The last time they did that, they failed to pass anything except a tax break. Nothing on immigration. Nothing on affirmative action. No destruction of the federal bench (which is soooo needed).

Trump is going to get White people to trade some immigration theatre for an increase in the retirement age for Social Security and a reduction in benefits for the next generation.

The GOP is a party that exists solely to screw over its most loyal voters: Whites.

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The truth is this: Trump winning is not some kind of win for the right. It is certainly not a win for White Nationalism. It is not a win for getting back America.

It is a reprieve. Anyone who thinks a Harris win would have been the same, or possibly even better is crazy

A Trump win means a 4 year reprieve.

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