White Awakening
2024 saw a marked shift in online sentiment and conversations about race and immigration. This mass awakening of consciousness is a crucial step in taking our countries back.
Using the simple analogy of a long journey on foot, it can be hard to appreciate how far you’ve come at any point in time. Your immediate field of vision is limited to what’s around you - yet in reality, the ground you have covered is far greater than the eye can see. So it has been over the last few decades with the Overton Window. While certain quantifiables like demographics - few would dispute the most important of all - have worsened for us, the conversation has changed in many favourable ways.
Mantras like ‘diversity is strength’ are now meme fodder, yet go back 10, 15, 20 years and politicians and pundits were repeating this to us endlessly without any pushback. Go back nearly 30 years to the election of Tony Blair’s New Labour government, and British people will clearly remember the normalisation and near constant bombardment of pro-immigration rhetoric. The 2000s heralded an era of widespread messaging that third world immigration is necessary because our nations have ‘ageing populations’ and our economies demand it. Into the following decade and Germany’s 2015 ‘refugee crisis’ - one of many - the messaging across Europe relentlessly focused on our ‘duty to help those fleeing war and persecution’, also with its accompanying mantras such as ‘refugees welcome’ which, like ‘diversity is strength’, became ubiquitous.
There is no denying that for a time, large swathes of people fell for much of this. Whilst it’s true Whites have never specifically voted for mass immigration - in fact, quite the opposite - the psychological manipulation, particularly regarding ‘poor helpless refugees’, proved highly effective, with mass outpourings of sympathy and for many, a desire to help these supposedly desperate people.
Of course, even those not yet consciously ‘on the right’ foresaw utter disaster as White people were gaslighted on an industrial scale to welcome their dispossession. To paraphrase the great Enoch Powell, Whites worldwide saw their nations busily engaged in heaping up their own funeral pyres, and with helplessness, because not only did we lack political representation, we were branded ‘racist’ by the establishment as well as those gaslighted by them, simply for speaking out about it. Nothing was worse, either in ‘polite society’ or within politics, than being called ‘racist’. A hugely powerful smear, it shut down discussion and debate, ended careers and begat widespread treachery and cowardice across our political classes and others tasked with representing us and protecting our interests. Just one example is the mass rape and abuse of underage working class White girls by non-white, largely Pakistani gangs, permitted to go on for decades without consequence due, among other things, to fear of being branded with the r-word.
Over time, as the majority of the public realised the overwhelming negative effects of mass non-white immigration, the mantras and gaslighting became ineffective, and ruling elites seemingly found new ways to achieve their aims; to pay lip service to the concerns of the public while continuing the same open-door policies. This was the age of Conservative betrayal, one of many examples being the recently departed Conservative government of 14 years in Britain, elected and re-elected on promises to reduce immigration. As we now know they presided over the highest levels of immigration in British history.
I don’t intend to give a long account of the last 30 years of immigration here, but rather to illustrate what has changed in that time. Few serious politicians would now dream of telling us that diversity is strength, that our ‘ageing populations’ need mass third world immigration to survive, or that we are morally bound to accept millions of third worlders because they are ‘fleeing persecution’.
The lies don’t work any more and they never will again. Several recent events have, in fact, shown what appears to be an awakening of White racial consciousness on a mass scale.
Weeks after Trump’s landslide election victory, undoubtedly fuelled by his pledge to enact mass deportations, Elon Musk famously lit a touch paper on X by appearing to support mass immigration to America for economic reasons. The blowback was instant and ferocious. Without the mass leftist censorship by the ‘Trust and Safety Team’, Elon got a taste of genuine popular opinion. It was unanimously negative, and Musk found himself heavily ratioed on his own platform by nationalist commentators and a barrage of blistering rebuttals to his framing the USA as a fungible ‘sports team’ rather than a nation of people with a heritage.
What became clear in comment after comment was that this is about race. This particular conversation happened to centre around mass Indian immigration, largely due to Indians being the greatest beneficiaries of H1B visa admissions - ostensibly for the ‘highly skilled’ but in reality, a mechanism for importing cheap low-level labour on a mass scale. The messaging in reply to Elon was loud and clear; We are a nation and a people, not an economic zone comprised of fungible units. There is no justification, whether economic or otherwise, for replacing us with foreigners within our own lands, whether illegal or ‘legal’ in status.
Elon took this badly at first, seemingly losing his cool by calling his opponents ‘subtards’, telling them to fuck themselves ‘in the face’ and mass blocking accounts. Shortly thereafter, either from a change of heart, or simply smarting from public reaction - popularity does seem to matter to him after all - he began furiously gunning for the UK Labour government and its leader Keir Starmer over the decades-long mass Pakistani rape scandals. Whatever his motives, it seems fair to say Musk had a reality check over H1B.
There were other reality checks. Historian Tom Holland published a tweet on X suggesting that maintaining harmonious ‘race relations’ should be prioritised in regard to the mass rape scandal.
Had Holland anticipated the reaction to this tweet I am certain he would not have posted it. It seems likely he was more motivated by social approval - also known as virtue signalling - than a burning conviction to express his truth. Indeed this is understandable, because the relatively unfettered free speech on X is a recent phenomenon - recent enough that undeniably intelligent people like Holland and of course Musk were likely taken aback by what was, for perhaps the first time in their lives, a unfiltered dose of what the masses really think.
Less known but also successful comedy writer Armando Iannucci, prolific in the 1990s and early 2000s, experienced a similar reaction when tweeting to defend the Labour MP Jess Philips against accusations of negligence regard the mass rape scandal, calling Musk a ‘toxic gonad’ (chortle chortle).
The overwhelming reaction on X was similar to that for Musk and Holland. Iannucci may well have found himself surprised at how different this response was to that he is accustomed to at dinner parties of like-minded people - another sharp reality check.
X is a digital social media platform, not meat world, and on the face of it it seems surreal if not a little absurd to talk of ‘Elon Musk’s tweets’ amounting to pivotal events in the fight for our civilisation. And yet they really are hugely significant. Keir Starmer, as a result of Musk’s tweets aimed at him and other MPs about the rape scandal, was compelled to make a public statement about them, his government’s handling of the fallout, and his own actions as Director of Public Prosecutions while the rape gangs flourished. This simple fact alone is remarkable - the unravelling of these unique power dynamics is itself a fascinating topic deserving deeper analysis.
Starmer responded by doubling down, slamming those demanding a government inquiry into the rape scandal as ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ and ‘amplifying the far right’, then going on to order his ministers to block said inquiry by voting against it. Starmer’s fate remains to be seen, but it seems his petty tyrannical instinct, combined with apparent open disregard for the public will and mood, ruled the day. To call this bad PR would be an understatement. From an outside perspective it appears that with little more than a few keystrokes, Musk has landed some lethal body blows on the British Prime Minister and establishment, and he’s showing no sign of letting up any time soon.
Tying it all together, what seems significant about these events is that a volcano of public rage, suppressed not only for years, but decades, is erupting. The natives of nearly every White country have been subjected to decades of gaslighting, manipulation, deceit and increasingly open discrimination and hostility whilst being purposefully replaced in our homelands. Now not a day goes by without native Whites being victimised by the tidal wave of crime and violence which has been forced upon us. All the while our political elites, whether nominally left-wing or conservative, have been complicit in it all. Their response to our protests and concerns has been to censor us, criminalise and lock us up, and to brutalise us. There will be those who perhaps have not felt consistent anger, but an increasing feeling over time that things aren’t right in our societies - people who may have been largely apolitical or even left-sympathising have been forced to face the obvious. Now, with the Overton Window moved rightward and free expression on X, they can see just how many others feel the same. The snowball effect is unstoppable.
For a long time now the anger has simmered, never appeased but only aggravated as each day brings a fresh outrage against us. It has become obvious to even the most obtuse that there is a war on White people. Elon Musk’s liberation of X from the censors was a major turning point. Far from radicalising us as the left would claim, the unmuzzling has revealed what feeling was already there, rather than generating it; white-hot, bitter rage at what has been done to us. The majority of those expressing this rage are doing so explicitly in racial terms, and many are calling for remigration as the only solution. There’s no putting this genie back in the bottle.
As outlined earlier, our demographic situation is worse than it’s ever been. The Overton Window may have shifted rapidly rightward, but Whites worldwide now face the prospect of becoming minorities in our homelands without a major and imminent course correction. Perhaps it had to come to this for people to wake up. I wrote before of the ‘darkest before the dawn’ idea. It’s now clear that remigration on a mass scale is vital for our survival as a people - a reality that even mainstream politicians understand they can no longer skirt around. We must now relentlessly and ruthlessly hold them to account on this. Mass awakening of White consciousness has been a long time coming, but was always going to be a pivotal and crucial step towards what must be done.
I dearly hope that this time, the awakening is real. Perhaps a sufficiently large proportion of whites can no longer escape the daily consequences of these treasonous and evil policies.
Kipping “when the English Began to Hate”. Narrated by Way of the World